We have demonstrated it before, yet it’s still news. This time around it’s local automotive retailer SALFA making the highlight, with our new remote implementation for OSA Andes Inventory Audit Module.
It’s no secret. Without inventory reliability there’s no sales reliability. Enterprises stuck on the everyday grind, unable to accurately pinpoint their stock, struggle every time they want to improve sales.
Concerned by this scenario, and working hard to improve this low reliability condition, SALFA’s Automotive retail division for Cars and Pickups (AUTyCAM) had already started trying out OSA Andes, and as good results were coming through, they took the leap and started implementing the OSA Andes Inventory Audit module for all subsidiaries nationwide this year. Yes, you read that right, in the midst of the Covid crisis.
Luckily our team already came with a built-in digital soul so we were able to quickly transfer every onsite onboarding to online interactive learning exercises through digital conferences making remote rollout possible, of course with the help and support of the key stakeholders and heads of department.
“Team, I ask for your total attention to this training program, OSA Andes will make stock count easier and is here to stay”, broadcasted Gonzalo Ferrari, Automotive Division Manager, to his team, kicking off the process which in just 3 months would become a recordsetter on inventory reliability history in SALFA, raising the figures up by 10 points.
Nowadays, already congratulated over this great improvement, we can proudly watch as they manage their own stock counts effortlessly using our services, so we can also show off autonomous use of our systems in just 7 months.
Do you know any other solutions with a quick rollout able to get a steady improvement on inventory reliability like this?
We love to hang around and share some cups of coffee with everyone that might need our expertise and solutions. We just need to start with a simple message. How about it?